Prosegur Alarms: A Step Back in Home Assistant Integration

In the world of home automation, integration between devices and services is key to ensuring a seamless and convenient experience. That’s why I always appreciate it when a service provider or manufacturer facilitates access to their API, allowing the community (or the company itself) to develop integrations for platforms like Home Assistant. Unfortunately, this support is not always maintained, and sometimes we encounter decisions that set us back. Today, I want to talk about what Prosegur Alarms has done by cutting off API access, which previously allowed monitoring and control of their alarms from Home Assistant.

The Value of Integration in Home Automation

Integrating services into a home automation platform is not just a whim for tech enthusiasts. It brings very real benefits:

  • Centralized Control: Manage all your devices (lights, blinds, climate control, cameras, alarms, etc.) from a single panel without having to jump between different applications.

  • Automations: Create workflows that combine multiple devices and sensors. For example, turn on exterior lights when the alarm is activated at night, move indoor cameras toward windows, or turn off the air conditioning when no one is home.

  • Efficiency and Convenience: Automating repetitive processes saves time and reduces human error.

  • Real-time Visibility: View the alarm status, home temperature, solar panel battery levels, or open doors from a single dashboard.

When a security service provider like Prosegur allows its product to integrate with Home Assistant, it greatly improves the user experience. However, it seems they have decided to restrict that access.

What Exactly Happened?

The official Home Assistant repository includes an integration that allows Home Assistant users to manage and control their Prosegur alarm system. This integration is not official; it was entirely developed by the community, which provided feedback, improved the code, and ultimately added value to Prosegur’s commercial solution. The integration accesses the non-public API that Prosegur uses to connect their mobile apps with their alarm systems. It was a win-win: users enjoyed a smarter home, and the company could boast compatibility with one of the most powerful and widespread home automation platforms.

The problem started last Friday when, suddenly, the integration stopped working. After some investigation, it became clear that changes had been made to the API that completely blocked access. The result? Those of us who invested time (and in some cases, money) in integrating the alarm system into our home automation setup lost the service instantly.

My Alarm in my Home Assistant panel: now showing Unknown status (“Desconocido“)

The Home Assistant Community’s Response

Faced with this blockage, the Home Assistant community found a temporary workaround: changing the User-Agent used in the requests. Apparently, Prosegur has only blocked requests coming from the User-Agent used by the Home Assistant integration so far. Therefore, changing it could, at least temporarily, restore communication in future Home Assistant versions.

However, everything suggests that in the future, Prosegur may implement similar changes to block access via new User-Agents or even enforce stricter measures to completely prevent unofficial API access. This means that this is only a temporary victory: unless Prosegur chooses to officially open their API or at least stop restricting its use, the integration remains at risk.

Prosegur’s Decision: A Strategic Mistake

In my opinion, Prosegur has made a mistake that reflects a short-sighted and customer-unfriendly vision. Why?

  • Lack of Transparency: There was no prior notice that would allow the community to prepare or seek alternatives.

  • Neglect of User Experience: One reason users choose an alarm service (besides security) is its compatibility with other systems. If you suddenly close access, you lose part of that appeal.

  • Disconnection from Technological Trends: More and more companies (across various industries) are promoting integration and API openness, allowing developers and users to build applications that enhance their product’s value.

  • Negative Public Image: It gives the impression that the company does not want—or does not know how—to support its more advanced users. Worse yet, it seems they do not appreciate the community’s commitment and contributions.

After speaking with Prosegur customer service, they told me that they do not support this use case and justified it by citing system security. This is completely absurd, considering that they provide a mobile application (which runs on well-known operating systems that are frequent targets of attacks) that not only allows users to check the alarm status but also operate it. In fact, the Home Assistant integration module is based on the same API used by that mobile application. It seems they consider that allowing access and controlling of the alarm from anywhere on the internet using a username and password is more secure than managing it from, for example, a local network interface.

My Decision: Switching to AJAX

Due to this API closure and the inability to integrate Prosegur’s alarm with Home Assistant (aside from the temporary User-Agent workaround), I decided to explore alternatives. After researching different options, I ultimately purchased an AJAX alarm system, which integrates much better with home automation and offers an open API and more developer-friendly tools.

Additionally, I will connect this new alarm system to an independent Alarm Receiving Center (ARC), providing me with the same (or even better) security at a significantly lower cost. I did the math: I will recover the investment I made in the new alarm system and installation in less than four years, and after that, it will all be savings.

If you find yourself in the same situation, I encourage you to explore other market options that offer a more open approach and compatibility with Home Assistant or your preferred home automation platform.

Final Thoughts

In 2025, companies that prioritize interoperability and openness stand to gain far more than those that close off their services. Home automation has become a decisive factor when choosing devices, subscriptions, and services. Users no longer settle for isolated systems.

That’s why this decision by Prosegur Alarms feels like a step backward—especially since they once allowed (even if unofficially) the integration, and now they have chosen to shut it down. I hope they reconsider and offer official support or, at the very least, allow the community to maintain this integration. In the end, everyone would benefit.

Meanwhile, I have already switched to AJAX, and although this change requires an initial investment, I am confident that it will pay off in the medium term, giving me a more complete and flexible home automation ecosystem.

If you’re in the same situation, feel free to leave a comment with your experience or any new information you may have on the topic. Together, we might be able to push for a reversal of this decision or find an alternative that allows us to continue enjoying a truly smart alarm system.


3 thoughts on “Prosegur Alarms: A Step Back in Home Assistant Integration”

  1. Hi David,

    Good article, same vision than me.

    Regarding connection with a central an ARC, as far as I know, we would lose the management of the alarm from HA. Once you connecto to the ARC, all the operability is managed by themselves.

    Have you researched about this?

    1. Yes, but I don’t have a final answer to this until I have my new AJAX alarm installed and connected. I want to explore the AJAX module that exists for JeeDom.
      Supposedly, after a single payment of 8€, it connects to the alarm via AJAX API, and allows its full management. Then I would be connecting JeeDom with HomeAssistant by using MQTT…

      I’ll keep you informed about my progress.

  2. How do you call an Alarm company whose business model is to spread terror in order to scare its potential clients into buying their products to feel safer?

    A terrorist company.

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