My Résumé


SICE. Technical Head of Projects & Software Developer & System Manager

June 2006 – April 2016

  • Worked on full-stack development and deployment of a proprietary reporting system for Canal de Isabel II, the public drinking water supplier of Madrid. The back-end uses C#-based Microsoft’s MVC Framework, using nHibernate. The front-end is designed using ReactJS and Bootstrap.This involved leading a team of four people.
  • Worked on full-stack development and deployment of SICE Nautilus – a web-based operational assistance system including support for incident, fleet, inventory, and maintenance management. The back-end uses PHP-based Symfony framework and front-end designed with jQuery and Leaflet.This involved leading a team of three people.
  • Worked on full-stack development and deployment of a web-based report system for SICE’s ITS solution. My work dealt with the optimization of queries and back-end improvements for allowing the generation of reports involving huge quantities of data and exporting them to PDF/Excel files. The project was coded using PHP/Symfony, jQuery, and Highcharts.
  • Worked on the water control system for the Segura Basin. Dealt with the analysis, design, and implementation of new features for the Basin Control Center including interfacing with an automatic telephone service. The project was done using C++, InfoPlus.21, SCADA, and an Oracle database.
  • Worked on the analysis, design, and implementation of a new automatic calculation system (using Java and ANTLR tool) and other Java modules for the back-end of a new SCADA system for dam auscultation against a MySQL database. Deployed as the water control system for the Ebro Basin and in dams managed by Iberdrola (Spain).
  • Developed new features for the Basin Control Center (C++ services on Windows) of the River Tagus Basin. I oversaw deployment of a new communication system and network of more tan 200 embedded x86-based remote units based on Linux as well as the implementation of systems for remote administration and update capabilities for these remote units.
  • Developed automatic ventilation algorithms (PHP and proprietary languages) for the tunnel control system of Madrid Calle-30. My work on the project dealt with the configuration, deployment, optimization, and troubleshooting of ERU systems, with a special focus on ventilation and fire detection subsystems. I also developed several features aimed at improving the scalability and robustness of the Remote Control Unit so that it could support a larger number of I/O signals and connections (C++ for embedded Linux system using x86 arch).
  • Was responsible for deployment and management of internal Linux and Windows servers (CVS, SVN, Git).

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Symfony, jQuery, Leaflet, C, C++, Java, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, InfoPlus.21, Linux, CVS, Subversion, Git

Fundación MAIOR: System Manager & Web Developer

2003 – PRESENT

  • Was responsible for the remote managing of a network of 5 Windows computers and a Linux file and mail server.
  • Developed and deployed using WordPress.

Technologies: WordPress, PHP, Debian

Navigate Oceania: Web Developer & System Manager & Security Expert

August 2015 – February 2016

  • Fixed problems in multi-domain site where the content should be replicated in all the sites.
  • Fixed hacked WordPress installation.
  • Added space for advertisements in all the pages.
  • Fixed problems with translations in the site.
  • Updated and cleaned up the plugins used in the site, as many of them weren’t needed.

Technologies: WordPress, PHP, Linux

Forelock: Web Developer

2015 – PRESENT

  • Improved integration with Braintree Payment Gateway
  • Total security clean up, removing several potential and practical security holes
  • Programming of new features in the site.

Technologies: PHP, Javascript, jQuery, CSS

Miguel Buckenmeyer & Co: Web Developer & Technical Consultant

2010 – 2012

  • Created, installed, and managed WordPress sites.
  • Integrated a web-based file manager in a PHP custom site, and helped to solve problems in it due to the usage of Java-based plugins.
  • Gave technical assistance for the projects.
  • Customized an advanced WordPress template, implementing a grid design for the articles.
  • Tweaked PHP-based website for Spanish parfum company, solving some problems and programming some new features.

Technologies: PHP, WordPress, HTML, CSS

Entelgy: Manager of Version Control Systems/C++ Developer

2005 – 2006

  • Led the integration management effort for all Movistar prepayment projects (Spain and Latin-America) and the administration of several Linux and Solaris CVS servers.
  • Worked on the implementation of new features for the Movistar Spain prepayment project. This involved C++ multi-architecture development and an extensive use of C++ templates.

Technologies: CVS, C++

Desarrollo y Recursos: Web Developer and Project Leader. Systems and Database Manager.

2003 – 2005

  • Worked on the administration, automation, and modernization of web (Apache+MySQL+PHP) and mail servers (Sendmail + Dovecot). Helped define policies for security, configuration management, development, and backups.
  • Developed a custom workflow and file management system for San Carlos Clinic Hospital (Madrid, Spain) using PHP for web programming and FDF for printable/electronic forms.
  • Was responsible for the design and implementation of an online showcase.
  • Was responsible for the analysis, design, and implementation of customized services for
  • Worked on the analysis, design, and implementation of a service for getting optimal routes between museums.

Technologies: PHP, Debian, Sendmail, Apache, Dovecot

Advanced Sofware Production Line: Co-owner/System Manager/Software Developer

2000 – 2003

  • Worked on installation, management, support, and security tasks in Debian GNU/Linux servers and firewalls for small and medium enterprise environments.
  • Was responsible for project management, analysis, design, and implementation of AF-Architecture, an multi-tier modular architecture for enterprise software development under GPL open license. The project webpage was programmed using a PHP-based app, TYPO3.
  • Worked on the analysis, design, and implementation of a CMS system for the firm webpage (

Technologies: C, PHP



HTML5, C, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, Bash Script, Bash, CSS, CSS3, C++, Java, C#.NET, Visual Basic 6


Symfony2, Symfony, BEEP, MVC 4.5, NHibernate, Composer, Bootstrap 3


CVS, Subversion, Apache, GTK+, Exim4, Redmine, DataTables, Bower, Visual Studio, Turbo Pascal, Nagios, SoapUI, Handsontable, ANTLR, Git


Linux, WordPress, Ubuntu, Debian Linux, Embedded Linux, Windows, Android


GNU/Linux, gnoMint, X.509, Client-server Model, TCP/IP, Debian GNU/Linux, SOAP, Linux kernel drivers, Embedded systems


jQuery UI, Doctrine, jQuery, Braintree API, LeafletJS, Twitter API, OpenStreetMap API, React.js


MVC, Unit Testing


MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle


Certificate degree in Software Security

University of Maryland – College Park on Coursera
2015 – 2015

Master’s degree in Computer Science

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Madrid, Spain
1998 – 2003

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